Fantasy Rivals Wiki
Zeta Sook card level 2
Zeta Sook Artwork
Faction: Abyss

Level 2: None

Level 3: None

Level 4: -3 Opp Damage, Min 3


Level 2: Defeat: -1 Opp Mana, Min 3

Level 3: Defeat: -1 Opp Mana, Min 3

Level 4: Defeat: -2 Opp Mana, Min 3

Rarity: Uncommon
Released: November, 21st, 2012
Stars: 4
Stats Level 2: 6/2
Stats Level 3: 6/3
Stats Level 4: 6/5


Conversation between children on the river-bank. “My father told me that my uncle heard a story from a merchant who had heard it from a fellow from the neighboring village. He told of a fisherman who came to this beach every day at sunset to catch the biggest crabs in the area. People who saw him overheard him chanting strange words. "Ethaz Ethaz Houlu Ethaz", he would say over and over again, "Ethaz Ethaz Houlu Ethaz". And that evening a crab as tall as two men was seen emerging from the water only to tear off his head and drag him under the water to devour him. The story has it that if you recite "Ethaz Ethaz Houlu Ethaz" three times at sunset, like now for instance, well you would…err…any idea what those big bubbles in the water over there are?”


None at the moment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the card[]




Card Artwork[]

LV 2. Zeta Sook card level 2

LV 3.

LV 4.

Full Artwork[]

LV 2. Zeta Sook full level 2

LV 3.

LV 4.


Useful links[]
